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The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge
~Stephen Hawking~
In other words, you can't know what you don't know until you've been enlightened of your ignorance.

Perspective is the lens through which an individual sees the world. It's a unique set of glasses, custom made for you and by you, through compiling all your life's experiences. 

Our whole perspective of life is unique to us as individuals, but we also share aspects of our perspective with others.

An individual's ability to receive new information outside of their own perspective can be the key to a successful and happy life. 


Perspectives, viewpoints, or narratives are bought, sold, or manipulated for various purposes, often for political, economic, or ideological gain. Here are a few ways in which perspectives can be seen as commodities:

  1. Media and advertising: In the media industry, perspectives can be commodified through advertising and sponsorship. Advertisers often seek to align their products or services with specific perspectives or values, and media outlets may shape their content or coverage to cater to those advertisers. This can result in the promotion of certain perspectives or the suppression of others, influenced by financial interests.

  2. Political manipulation: Perspectives can be used as commodities in political contexts. Political campaigns and interest groups often employ tactics to shape public opinion, including manipulating narratives, disseminating propaganda, or using spin to influence how events or policies are perceived. Perspectives can be distorted or amplified to serve political agendas or gain support.

  3. Social media and data mining: Online platforms and tech companies collect vast amounts of user data, including preferences, interests, and perspectives. This data can be analyzed and monetized, often used for targeted advertising or influencing user behavior. By understanding individuals' perspectives, companies can tailor content, products, and messages to manipulate opinions or drive consumer behavior.

  4. Opinion polling and market research: Organizations conduct surveys, polls, and market research to understand public perspectives and preferences. This data is valuable and can be bought, sold, or used to shape products, services, or political campaigns. Manipulating survey questions or selectively releasing results can also shape public perception or advance specific agendas.

  5. Influencer marketing: Influencers, particularly on social media platforms, are often sought after by brands and marketers because of their ability to shape and influence public perspectives. Influencers are sometimes compensated to promote certain products, services, or ideologies, turning their perspectives into commodities that can be leveraged for commercial or political gain.

  6. Cultural and artistic exploitation: Perspectives can be commodified in the cultural and artistic realms. Some works of art, literature, or entertainment may perpetuate specific perspectives or narratives, reinforcing existing power structures or ideologies. Cultural appropriation and the exploitation of marginalized perspectives for commercial or artistic gain also demonstrate the commodification of perspectives.

It is crucial to recognize and critically evaluate the sources and motivations behind the perspectives presented to us. By being aware of the potential commodification of perspectives, we can seek diverse sources of information, engage in independent thinking, and develop a more well-rounded understanding of the world.

Your Perspective Is A Commodity

Become an Independent Thinker! 

  1. Question assumptions: Challenge your own beliefs and assumptions, as well as those presented by others. Seek to understand the underlying reasons and evidence supporting different perspectives before accepting them as true.

  2. Seek diverse perspectives: Expose yourself to a variety of viewpoints and perspectives, even if they differ from your own. Engage with people from different backgrounds, cultures, and ideologies to gain a broader understanding of the world.

  3. Develop critical thinking skills: Enhance your critical thinking skills by analyzing information, evaluating arguments, and examining evidence. Learn to distinguish between fact and opinion, recognize logical fallacies, and assess the credibility and reliability of sources.

  4. Practice open-mindedness: Cultivate an open mind and a willingness to consider different ideas, even if they challenge your existing beliefs. Approach new information with curiosity and a genuine desire to understand alternative viewpoints.

  5. Conduct independent research: Take the initiative to dig deeper into topics of interest. Seek out reliable sources of information, conduct research, and evaluate multiple perspectives to form your own informed opinions.

  6. Embrace intellectual humility: Recognize that you may not have all the answers and that your beliefs can evolve as you learn and gain new insights. Be open to adjusting your views based on new evidence and experiences.

  7. Reflect on your own biases: Reflect on your own biases and prejudices that may influence your thinking. Be aware of any personal or cultural biases and strive to approach issues with objectivity and fairness.

  8. Develop your own values and principles: Reflect on your values, principles, and ethical considerations. Identify the core beliefs that guide your thinking and decision-making, and ensure they align with your own sense of integrity and moral compass.

  9. Practice mindfulness and self-reflection: Cultivate self-awareness and engage in regular self-reflection. Pay attention to your thoughts, emotions, and reactions, and question their origins and influences.

  10. Be willing to take risks: Independent thinking often requires taking risks and challenging the status quo. Be prepared to express your thoughts and opinions, even when they differ from the majority or face opposition.

Protect Yourself From Being Manipulated

Remember that independent thinking is a skill that develops over time through practice and a commitment to intellectual growth. By cultivating critical thinking, seeking diverse perspectives, and maintaining an open mind, you can become more independent in your thinking and decision-making.

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